Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Looks like I've gotten a bit behind on my daily posting.. oops :)

Things have been a little crazy, well, maybe just frustrating, this week! It seems just when I have a plan everything gets all out of whack. When I think things are finally on track, things get derailed. Why can't anything go smoothly?? 
Every time I turn around something is happening, and not in a good way. 
Can't a person catch a break!? :)
I don't want to go into detail on what's going on on here, but if you ask privately I don't mind sharing. Some of ya'll may already know some of this anyway. 
I guess my "plan" wasn't God's plan. But it seemed like a good plan, something that actually made sense and would help me out in lots of areas... so, why doesn't God agree? 
Perhaps because it was my plan. 
I guess I get another lesson to learn.
Now, to figure out what that lesson is. Although, I'm thinking it may be trust. I didn't think I was really struggling in that, but, maybe so? 
Or maybe its just me wanting to do things my way... again. I didn't think my way was wrong, or selfish.. so what's the problem? ahh!  
There are other things going on too. Always other things. (at least, so it seems!) 

Ok!! I'm done complaining. :)

Hope everyone has had a better week than me so far :)

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