Saturday, June 20, 2009

21 & 6

I can't believe it.. my little, bitty, baby is SIX months old today!! AHH! Seriously, how did 6 months go by so fast?!? And, do they change looks so drastically at 6 months or something, because she looks so different!! (or, maybe because she's been sick? But, she does look different!) Speaking of being sick, last night did not go any better! :( She pretty much woke up every hour.. by 5:00 am she was real upset, gave her a bottle (which never happens!) rocked her for a bit, then laid her back down about 40 minutes later!! I thought those days were over.. guess they come back when they're sick. She is still a little off in her mood, which is usually very happy!, so she hasn't been as smiley, which stinks. I love that little smile. So, needless to say, her 6 months pics, that I took at random today :) were not super smiley, but, I did get a couple good ones :) 
Oh, I bought Aubrey some new paci's (she only likes the Avent ones!) for 6-18 months! That's right, she is in a new category! (sigh) She was totally weirded out by it, but once she knew that's all she was getting, she got over real fast, it was pretty funny. Guess that was her half birthday present! lol!! :) 

This could be one of my new favorites! Wish she was smiling though.. 

Aubrey and Aunt Sarah before dinner
She was happy for a few of these, then pretty much stopped smiling, ugh. :) We had to cut this shoot pretty short since the skeeters were comin at us!! haha.. 

Um, could she have any more rolls in her arms?! 

Also, today was Aunt Emmy's 21st birthday! (which means, if she is getting older.. I am getting older..) She came over, and we all went out to dinner. As soon as I sat Aubrey in the highchair she lunged toward the table and knocked a plate to the floor.. breaking it. I mean, we weren't even there 2 minutes! Ah, babies :) Anyway. Dinner was really good, a little too good, I was stuffed! Mexican, yummy! Emily opened her presents, got embarrassed by the old man that serenaded her "happy birthday".. good stuff. Then, we all came back and hung out for a bit before she left to go party it up with her friends! She better be a good girl..!!  :) 

Aubrey and Aunt Emmy! 

The lighting at the restaurant was really cool, too bad she didn't smile (again-poor baby!), and she moved a bit so its a little blurry.. oh well, I still like it :)
happy birthday Emily! 

My friend Lauren Stevenson (aka Smith) asked me if I was sad about Aubrey being 6 months, and I answered "yes and no".. but now that I think about it, more yes than no. I mean, she's almost not a baby anymore! She's eating baby food, rolling all over the place, sitting up, and trying really hard to crawl.. next standing and walking. Then talking. Then she's not a baby. On the other hand, I'm really excited about seeing her do all of those things. I can't wait to see her stand for the first time, take that first step, find out what her first word will be (better be Mama! -I say it to her a thousand times a day, haha!) There's so much to look forward to, but I am quite content enjoying my sweet little baby. 

Well, off to bed for me. 'Night all. :)



Natalie said...

You are a blogging machine! Well we can hang out as soon as I get done with talking to drs. and nurses. I decided to take matters into my own hands! I think its been a good move already. Super cute pictures... I better start blogging more!

Natalie said...

Oh and Happy 6 Aubrey!