Monday, June 15, 2009

Birthday Boy & Sick Baby Girl

So, this past Saturday was my nephew's, Collin, 4th birthday party! I can't believe my little guchie-goo is FOUR! lol. (yes, that's what we, well, me and Emily, used/do call him!!) Four years have flown bye! 
He had his party at his Granny's house in Forney, where they could put up the bounce house and blow up pool slide thingy. It was mostly family and some close friends. Unfortunately, Aubrey could not be there (she was at  her dad's..) but she was with him on his actual birthday, today. 
His party was Scooby-Doo theme. He seemed to really enjoy it! :) 
Here are some pics from the party: 
He is the most uncooperative child to take a pic of.. 

So, when I picked Aubrey up Sunday, Daniel's mom mentioned she might have thrush (why they didn't call me over the weekend.. I don't know!?) Anyway, all that day she was totally not acting herself, I looked up thrush, and was thinking probably so. First thing this morning I called the dr. to get her in, which I did, and sure enough.. she has thrush. :( just a mild case, but still, my poor little baby.. :( She has been pretty fussy, and really sleepy! I feel pretty bad for her. But,  I got her started on her meds so hopefully that will all kick in pretty quick! Which... after her afternoon nap she seemed a little more herself, which I took as a good sign, so, when Sarah wanted to take Collin down to the pond to ride his new bike I figured Aubrey might like some fresh air and a ride in her stroller. Off we went. She didn't fuss at all, but she was just real quiet and not very active. At one point we pulled over to a bench and I laid a blanket down for her to sit on (so I could get some pics! :) ) Even then she still was pretty non-interactive. After that we headed home and she got realll fussy! Gave her a bath, which calmed her down instantly, gave her a bottle, which she started falling asleep drinking. When I went to put her in her bed, she of course totally woke up! Gave her to Grandma so I could take a shower, by the time I was done she was pretty sleepy and fell asleep pretty quick. 

Point to this story: my little bitty is sick and I don't like it. :(

Here are some photo's from today:
I told Collin to take a pic with Aubrey.. apparently they both were too interested in Wheel of Fortune!! :)
(and that is pizza sauce on his face.. )
PaPa had some cupcakes ready for us when we got back home.. yum! 

Hope everyone enjoyed all the pictures- didn't realize I was putting up so many! :) 
If ya think about it, please pray Aubrey starts feeling better, soon! Thanks!



Lenzie said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for Aubrey!! And, I loved all of the pictures... keep them coming =)

Casey & Lauren Coats said...

the one of aubrey looking at the water is so cute! and the one of you two at the pond is pretty, too! is she feeling any better?

Natalie said...

I love the pictures of Aubrey on the blanket at the park! So cute- see y'all in a couple of hours!