Thursday, June 11, 2009

A bit happier :)

The previous post was actually from last night.. I was going to add more "upbeat" talk and pictures, but, we left to go eat then came back during the hurricane(!) and I was trying to get Aubrey ready for bed.. yadda yadda.. it didn't get posted. So, I just left it where it was and am going to make this post the "upbeat" one. ha. 

Aubrey has sitting up down pat!! She needs no assistance or pillows (or boppy) around her! Although, sometimes I put some pillows down, just in case :) I was going to borrow a bumbo chair from a friend, but looks like I don't need it, or shall I say Aubrey doesn't need it! Now that she can sit up she really doesn't enjoy lying on her stomach (or back!) at all. She will for a bit, then gets frustrated. But she needs to learn to go from laying down to sitting up.. hopefully she'll get it pretty quick! When she is on her tummy she seems to really try hard to get up on her knees! She wants so badly to scoot around! I think I can hold off on that for a bit longer.. :)

I haven't taken many exciting pictures in the past few days, so guess what you get??? Sleeping pictures!! (what a shocker, I know!) :) 

This seems to be her new favorite sleeping position! All the way up against the bumper.. which she will eventually turn over and have her face pressed up in the corner.. hmm?? Hope that's ok :) 
Also, take notice of her arm position.. how sweet!! ;) 

Oh! It's a miracle.. I actually got some scrapbooking done!! I took full advantage of Aubrey napping yesterday and went to work! I did 6 large pages!! I wouldn't be too impressed though.. they are from when she was born.. at the hospital and coming home!! yikes, I'm wayyyy behind! :) But! I got to use some of my new Peachy Cheap purchases!! Looking at some of my previous pages in the book I'm working on.. well, I just think they're not so great! I'm going to see if I can figure out a way to spruce em up a bit. We'll see! I just get bored when I'm doing alot of the same thing, I like to do like a page or two of a "theme" and move on! So all these pics of the hospital were slowing me down! But, I like these new pages though. :) 

Well, I guess that does it for now. 
happy almost weekend!!! :)


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

you're behind on the blogging missy!!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see pictures and everything! I'm in town at the Red River library checking up on what's going on in the world! haha.