Friday, June 19, 2009

Nothing in Particular

Well, little bit is sick.. again. I'm pretty sure she's completely over the thrush, which is great! But, now, she is sooo congested! I don't know how many time I got up with her last night because she just couldn't sleep! :( She would fall asleep for little stretches, an hour here, 30 minutes, 2-3 hours.. ugh. She woke up fussing and crying till I could get her back to sleep. It was awful. Then today her nose is super runny! I'm kinda thinking its from going to her dad's (and I'm not just saying that because..). I just really think she is her mother's daughter! He lives in East Texas country and every time I would go out there my allergies just went crazy, so, its not surprising if the same is happening to her. It just double-y sucks because there isn't a whole lot you can do for a baby! (And its not like I can keep her from going.. ) I say that because she has come home from there being congested before, but it seems worse this time. grr.. 
Hopefully tonight will be better.. please oh please! 

Tonight, me and my sister, Sarah, went and saw The Proposal- totally hilarious!! I was rolling.. even had tears at some points I was laughing so hard! I just love Sandra Bullock (and she has another movie coming out soon!) and Ryan Reynolds isn't half bad either!! ;) Super cute- go see it!! I will go with you! (Except, I HATE that I have to spend $10 bucks on a stinkin movie!! Ridiculous!!) 

Alright. Picture time! :) (All from today)

This is her after waking up this morning, she had just been playing and talking in her bed. My brother said "she's so happy" and so he took some pics! haha. I had put those pillows in there in hopes in would help elevate her to relieve some of the congestion- she didn't care much for them! She seems to only like laying on pillows if they're on my bed.. hmm! Her face just looks so swollen and puffy from her allergies (I'm guessing anyway!) almost doesn't even look like her! And, plus, she looks like 500 lbs!! what in the world?! lol! 
Just a couple of pics after her afternoon nap.. 
These were pretty funny- Collin sometimes really gets in the mood to hold her and play with her, today was such time. The thing is, he hates it when she pulls on his clothes or "pushes" him! Its hilarious! This first pic is of her "pushing" him, the second is him literally telling her to stop and moving her hand! haha. the third, he really can be sweet with her though, he's cradling her face and talking to her... and, the fourth, well, the fun was over! haha!! 
I was outside with Collin and decided I would take some pics of him with Jed. Great idea! First off, Jed would not come to him, so I had to bribe him with some food. After that he kept barking for more.. while Collin is being blinded by the sun! He kept saying "It's too hot!" "I can't see!" Haha, poor kid.. :) 

Well, there's just a glimpse of our fun filled day! haha.. 

Hope everyone else had a good day!
it's the weekend!! :) 


Anonymous said...

I hope Aubrey feels better soon! And I would like you to know that I miss Jed sometimes. :) haha. That picture with the blanket over him in one of your other blogs was hilarious!

~Laura~ said...

lol- figures you would like that pic of jed.. :)