Wednesday, June 24, 2009

coupons cause me stress

yes, I said it, coupons sometimes just are not worth the trouble! 
Tonight, has not been at good shopping trip at all
First, I go to Walgreen's to drop off my moms film (yes! she still uses  film!! haha!) while there I look at the saline drops for Aubrey to get a price idea, but since my next stop was Babies R Us, I thought I would see how much they were there first. Smart right? Well, I was going to BRU because I had a coupon for $10 off when you buy two packs of diapers, the large packs. Seeing as the ones I normally buy at Wal-Mart is $18.97, I figured I would be in about the same price range there as well, so I could get 2 for around $30- great deal huh?! Not so much! The only ones that had there were the large packs  for $40!! So.. with my coupon I would be spending $70! Pass! So.. off I went to Wal-Mart, where I had a $25ish giftcard, so, there's a free pack of diapers! As I'm walking out I saw a sign for diapers for $27.98 for 50 more diapers than I was getting. I debate it for a while.. and decide it seems like an ok deal! Sold- haha. I go check out, still have to spend about $5, not bad for 144 diapers! (the only good thing out of this adventure!) By the time I get in my car I remembered I had a $1.50 off coupon for Pampers diapers (which I buy)!! Grr!! I know, not like that would make all the difference in the world.. but still! So,  I return to Walgreens to get the pics, $17 for 2 rolls of film plus cd's!! Whoa!! And, one of the rolls only had 9 pictures on them! (They took some pics of the bakery food and needed them in the morning) I couldn't believe they were so expensive. Of course I questioned this, he knocked the price down by about .80c cents.. whooptido! I told my mom she needs to get a digital camera! lol. 


After all that, I guess not all faith is lost in coupons. Just didn't work out in my favor tonight. ah, well. 

ok, just needed to vent for a minute. :)

To redeem the coupons (haha, pun intended!), I did get to use TWO coupons the other day on formula- saved $7!  :) 

Oh! Aubrey is about to be crawling any day now! It's so funny how she does herself now- she'll get up on her knees and lunge forward. Too cute. But, it does make me kinda sad that she is about to crawl.. she is just growing up wayyyy too fast! I'll have to get video of her doing this to share with all y'all :)

Alright.. hope everyone had a better night than me! haha. 

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I enjoyed this post today because I did my grocery shopping and had my little file cabinet of coupons with me. Eh. I kept dropping them down the aisles leaving a little trail and I hate coupon fine print. But I did save $5 or so, which every penny counts! But I haven't decided if they make me buy things I don't really need or if they make me buy things I don't need quite yet. ?? See ya tomorrow!