Saturday, June 6, 2009

Busy day!

Its Saturday!! 
I was soo hoping that Aubrey would sleep in again this weekend.. eh, not completely. She started waking around 7 so I kept giving her the paci, but after a while it just wasn't cutting it. So, got a bottle, she ate in bed with me, then.. back to sleep! Yes! Until about 9ish.. not too bad. Then I got the idea to go garage sale-ing with my mom. Well, she was not totally into it, so off me and Aubrey went. I think I drove by about 10 (at least) and never got out. None of them looked promising enough to get Aubrey out!! And I really had nothing in particular that I was looking for, although, I think that's the reason people go to garage sales, the mystery! haha. jk. After that little adventure, we went to Marshall's, where I got nothing!, then to Burlington. I was going there to look for an Excersaucer for Aubrey, they had some, but nothing I loved and I thought I would probably find one cheaper else where. Although, I did get a sun shade for my rear window (exciting, I know!), a cute-o pair of shoes for Aubrey and and an exercise wheel for me!! (Which, when I got home my step-dad told me he has one in the garage! Ugh, wish I would have known that 3 months ago! lol! Looks like I will be making a return.. ) By the time I was checking out Aubrey was having a meltdown! Can someone say "naptime!"!! Of course the lines where 5 miles long and she was screaming in her stroller! Yes, everyone please stare. (annoying!) She had almost fallen asleep when she realized she was almost asleep and needed to start crying again :( The ladies in front of me were very kind and let me cut in front of them! Amazing that there are decent people in stores on a Sat.! (I didn't get that same vibe at Marshall's.. at all!) Anyway, I think Aubrey was asleep before I pulled out of the parking lot!! But I still needed to go to Wal-Mart, so I asked my mom if she would watch her so she could take a nap. She did :) Well, off to good ol Wally World. I stocked up on some food for her, more diapers, some other groceries, tried on some shorts that were awful and some tankini's that didn't quite serve their purpose! Either I'm too tall, or those tops were too short! haha. or maybe its because they were from wal-mart..?? lol. Oh, I also got her an Exersaucer!! yay!! I have a hard time making purchases like that, I'm always afraid I'll find a better deal somewhere else or that she needs something different! I hate making decisions! As anyone who knows me will know that! :) So, once I got home I looked at Babies R Us to see what they had and pricing. I feel good about my purchase. (Hey, it was $50!) So.. off to work I went on putting it together! Didn't take that long so I'm pretty proud of myself :) Here are some photos of her enjoying, and did she!, her new exersaucer!! She played so hard in it that she completely wore herself out and is taking a nap now! haha. 
mission accomplished :)

Hope y'all enjoyed the play by play of my day!! Haha. :) 

Hope everyone has enjoyed their Saturday! 

(update on "the plan": well, I bought some weight loss shakes and the exercise wheel.. so, yeah.) :) 


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

lol-that video is funny...i guess i should've been screaming in her face today to get her to laugh! apparently collin has figured out the secret! lol!

Natalie said...

Man- you did do some crazy blogging while I was gone! I finally found this one and Aubrey looks like she enjoyed the $50 purchase! haha! Yayaya!