Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Yesterday Aubrey had her 6 month check up! I still can't get over her being 6 months already.. sigh. 
ok, ok, moving on!
 She had to get shots, which I always dread, more for me than her! She is actually really good when it comes to those stinkin shots! She had just fallen asleep when she came in to do them, she slept threw the first one (!), then only cried/screamed from the time they poked her till she got the band-aid on with the other shots! I, on the other hand, wanted to cry the whole time. I just hate that look of pain on her face :( But she's a champ! 
So.. when they went to weigh her, she was laying there naked.. and, of course, she peed all over the weighing table.. all up her back and arms. lovely. oh babies. :) No shocker here, she's a porker!! Well, last week when I took her in to check out the thrush they said she weighed 19.6 lbs! But then this week she weighed 18. 14.. she lost like 1/2 a pound, and surely that's not right! lol! I'm going to put her on Marvin's big food scale and find out for myself :) 
All in all, she is doing great! Weight, length, head- all good! She is just one happy, healthy, extra large little girl! heehee :)

Here are some pics during the times we were waiting.. why not?! :) 

She completely tore up the paper on the table.. 
... and, tried to eat it. that's my girl :) lol
She got pricked in the finger to check her iron (this is the one she slept through)... well, she was totally into that band-aid! She would not look away from it for the longest! pretty funny! :) 

She was very protective of that hand.. so sweet. 
Still keeping an eye on it.. 
She kept her hand folder up too, its like that band-aid handicapped her! haha! 
I just love this little girl ;) 


Brenda Bates said...

Girl you've got more scrappin' material with that child than you could do in a life time!!

Natalie said...

So I can't keep up with all your post- really impressive! I loved the pictures of her looking at the band-aid. So cute. I hope Lola is as good about her shots as Aubrey was. I am scared I am going to cry. I will have to prepare myself all weekend! lol!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics with her paci, she's adoreable!! Also I think she's looking les and less like her pops and more and more like her pretty mama!