Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Check it Out!

Hey! look..I didn't wait forever this time! :)
Although, don't be totally disappointed, but, I don't have much to say really. But, I wanted to make sure I put something up, so another uproar won't break out! heehee, jk :) 

Oh my! This little girl has learned a new.. sound. Yeah, a sound. A screeching, yelling, high-pitched sound.  Its quite lovely. Anytime she needs anyones attention, well heaven forbid she just ask nicely, noooo.. break out the ear plugs because here it comes!! Where does she learn these things...??? 
Also, she is constantly "coughing". I put this in quotes because she makes a coughing noise constantly, aside from aforementioned sound. Its like she is always trying to hack up a hair ball, yet we don't have a cat. I will have to record it, it can actually be pretty funny. And ridiculous. 
She is such a drama queen.
And, usually as she is trying to fall asleep, I mean, while she is in bed rolling all over the place not giving one bit of interest in going to sleep.. wait, what was I saying? oh yes, I'm not sure, but I think she is trying to say "duck", weird word to choose, but she is always making this "duck" sound. Maybe it makes sense, since that is the only toy she will play with in the tub. Thank you Wal-Mart for the perfect Easter gift :) 

Well, that's what little bit has been up to.. at least, in the vocal sense. :) 

So, now that she is getting around quite quickly, the gate has come up. And, coffee tables, chairs, and anything else that is easily movable for adults and not little babies to get through :) 
She just thinks she will be able to get through... 

Sneaking a peak out the back door. 
Thought this one was kinda artsy :)

I know, I know, you probably thought I forgot about those oh-so-sweet sleeping pictures- wrong!
I'm just wondering if she will ever learn that there is a much more comfortable way to lay?? Probably not! 

This was from another day, I thought she just looked so sweet laying there all snuggled up. I love how her face is all smooshed :)  

Last, but certainly not least, my dear ol' buddy Jenny is preggo with baby #2! 
Soon, we will be welcoming sweet little Caden! Can't wait! 

Tis all. 
Good night :) 


Natalie said...

OMG! Your baby is standing...which means walking soon- which means she's way too old! How come babies grow so fast!?! She's super cute and as soon as the pink eye is gone- we totally need to hang out! And we need to go back to the park now that Lola can sit up at times! :)

I can't believe Jenny! It was great seeing a picture of her cute pregnant self! Baby #2- sounds fun!!! But not for me (for now) of course :)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture withher little arm when she's looking out the window how precious!!! Stupid question but is your crib bumper off white?? I can't find it in white the closest is Ecru and I really thought your was white...

~Laura~ said...

nope, mine is Ecru.. I mean, its basically white.. just a little off :) haha. How is junior/juniorette coming along???? I haven't seen any blog posts recently!! :)