Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Post in Picture Form

Don't feel like writing much.. so, this is what ya get. Which, I'm sure is preferred anyway :)

Just a random photo shoot in the backyard, she's so sweet ;) 
That afternoon.. just rocking her to sleep. I love it when she's all cuddly. 
The other day I thought I would take me and her for a little walk around the 3 in the afternoon. I will not be doing that again (at that time!). She of course fell asleep on the way home, but I had poured a little water on her to cool her down so she took a nap all natural.
 I just thought it was cute how she was sleeping. :) 
So, this was from last night. This girl is seriously crazy! She threw a BIG fit when I put her in her bed for the night, instead of laying in bed with her to get her to sleep. she was not happy. Well, she finally fell asleep in a normal position.. but, when I came back later this is what I found! Take a good look at that position... 
How can she sleep like that!? Silly, silly! 
These are just some fun bath time pictures from today. 
This bath was needed in the middle of the day because I came home from work and found her with her hair like this. What is in it, I have no idea.. 

She is either sucking on her towel, her duck, or trying to "pick" up the water to drink it. Yet, she won't drink water out of her cup.. go figure! 
Aunt Emmy's Mini-Me!! 
(will this child ever look like her mother???)
Good action shot! haha. 
All squeaky-clean! :) 
Just sitting in the car waiting for her daddy to come pick her up. 
I love that her lips look so full- jealous! lol! 
The End.


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

Very good. I need to see her soon. It's been a long time!!

Natalie said...

Okay- how did that girl sleep like that!!?? Even Clay thought that picture was crazy. I love all these pictures. She's so cute in the tub... and just think Aubrey your mom was gonna waste $35 on a little tub! I liked the sleeping picture after the hot walk, because she looks like a baby in that picture. So sweet. Those pictures were worth all the trouble you had! Yay for posting them!

P.S. I was wondering who in the world Ronda was!! lol