Friday, September 11, 2009


So, tonight was, technically, the second night in a row!, that Aubrey fell asleep in her bed! Without having to lay in my bed for about 30 minutes! YAY!! Which is so crazy, because I used to be able to put her in her bed, wide awake, and within 10 minutes she was totally passed out!! What happened?!? Hopefully this will continue on! Although, as hard as it is on her to not lay down with me, its just as hard on me. I love snuggling up with her and having her fall asleep resting on me. BUT, I think it makes it hard on her when she's at her dad's, and when anyone else tries to put her to bed (if I'm not home for some reason), and if she goes somewhere else to be watched... 
Keep your fingers crossed for some smooth bedtimes! :) 

Also something else Aubrey has oh-so-kindly let me know: She does NOT want to be spoon fed! Well, only yogurt and sweet potatoes! Anything else is a no-go. She will turn her head every direction to avoid that spoon! I really thought I was on to something with these new Graduates Sides, the sweet potatoes actually look like sweet potatoes and not just liquid. So, I thought she would be all over that, nope! 

OH!! If anyone, or anyone you know of, is interested in keeping this oh-so-sweet baby girl in the mornings- well, that would just be fantastic!! My current babysitter will be leaving me by the end of the month. So.. PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!! :)
 (I promise.. she really is an oh-so-sweet baby! I mean, you've seen the pictures!) :) 

Speaking of pictures, here are just a very few from our little play date with Natalie and Lola today (I am about 99% sure that Natalie has some good ones of Aubrey- we tend to take pics of our opposite children! haha) 

Um, this is the best shot I got of her.. I will have to steal Natalie's! :)
Sweet Momma/Daughter moments 

This is what the girls were doing as we were checking out some blogs and  Windows Live Writer (which, I want SO bad, dang Macs.. ) Please take note of all the DVDs all over the place, and any other mess... thank you Aubrey :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! :)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I never get pics of Lola and me so hooray for you taking some! I should have put make up on!! Well lets exchange photos because I got some cute ones! I need to upload them! We love our playdates!