Thursday, September 17, 2009


  He's Here! 
 Caden Lee Dunn
5 lbs 8 oz  18 inches
2:22 pm

I'm so excited for Brent and Jenny, little Caden is just adorable! And TINY!! Ok, so let me tell you how this little sweetie made his arrival (besides the obvious! lol!!) 
Tuesday morning Jenny had her normal appt. and she has been having trouble with her blood pressure, so, at the appt. they thought it was too high and decided on induction. She's admitted. Wednesday morning, bright and early at 5:00 am they start inducing her (at her appt, she was already at 3 cm!) so, I periodically check in to see when I should come out there (since I was going to have Aubrey with me) after her water broker she hit 4 1/2 pretty fast... then 5 when I was on my way about 1:30ish, a 6 when I was about 10 minutes away. So, I was thinking "yay, this is going pretty quick!" Get to the hospital, talk to her for about 15 minutes when the nurses come in to check her. She was showing contractions, and she complained of a little pain in her side.. ok. Well, as we are walking out of the room for the nurse to check, ya know, hoping a 7 or 8 maybe... well, "Get the Dr. I can see the head!" What?! Wasn't she just a 6??? So, me, her sis, mom and MIL stand outside the door and were like "Surely not...??" after about 2 minutes we hear a faint noise, me and Paula look at each other like "was that a cry??" then we hear him screaming! We were in shock! I swear, that was the quickest delivery I have ever heard of!! Soo... come to find out, this kid was totally crowing and she had no idea (remember the pain in her side?) when the nurse went to put her leg in the stirrup his head popped out! The dr said "whoa.. hold on! gotta get situated!" so then the nurse put her leg up again, and out he came! NOT ONE PUSH!!! (yes, I am bitter.) I mean, seriously, how does that happen???? Although, Aubrey did have almost 3 pounds on him.. but, still! :) 
Needless to say, Jenny is doing just fine. ha. And so it little Caden- not a single thing wrong! (He was 3 weeks early) And boy can he eat! He latched on right away and had two 40 minute feedings within the first few hours! you go boy! :) 
He is so tiny and so sweet. I just can't get over how little his face is- its crazy! He looks pretty much just like his dad!! But, with his mommas lips! 
He's a keeper! 

The proud momma
Baby & Daddy 
Happy Family 
(minus Landon, he was with MawMaw)
Jenny like a crazy woman playing with Aubrey
 just a couple of hours after having a baby!
Me and the little Sweetie
First Bath! 
He didn't love it! 
Look how tiny he is compared to her hand!!!
All cleaned up
Sweet moments with mommy :)
Aubrey fell asleep... for a good 20 minutes. yay. :)
I tried showing Caden to her, she wasn't interested. But, I was! 
The girls with little Caden!
Just Precious! 
I can't wait to go see him again.. although, I don't know what to do with such a little guy?! haha, jk :)

Oh.. and, I am happy that Jenny had an easy and uncomplicated delivery. 
I promise. :)   


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

He is so little and cute :)

Natalie said...

Yayayaya! Pictures! Okay most newborns aren't cute (except ours!) and apparently Jenny's! That little, little boy is so beautiful! I hope to see Jenny and meet Caden soon. Tell her I prayed for her and am so happy she is doing good. So jealous of her delivery too... uh, not fair. So cute- I do not need to look at newborn pictures... Lola, wanna a brother or siter sooner rather than later?? :)