Thursday, March 24, 2011

stupid, red eye flashes twice.

my family (really, my brother and sisters... and really, just one sister.) has kinda an odd sense of humor.

my brother seems to spend all his time on YouTube because he is constantly talking about or showing some random YouTube video. half the time, they are not worth watching, and yet he finds them hilarious!

well, at first, i didn't really "get" this video. or the guy in general.
but, now, i've watched at least 10 of his videos! (this guy is probably banking off of being ridiculous!)

this one in particular is in my head all the time! yikes... haha.

pretty funny, eh? ;)

check out his other stoo. totally random and weird, but still kinda funny.. in a weird and random way :)

side note:
last night, natalie and i went to a photography class, and the subject was on lighting. at one point we were talking about flashes and how it can make red eye... i soooo badly wanted to quote this, but, quickly thought otherwise. :)

that's all.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

who is this guy? very odd.