Monday, October 5, 2009

Will Walk For Food

Finally! I got some video of Aubrey "walking"!! 
She is getting so much better, taking a few steps at a time now! I love it :) 

This girl will do anything for food!
(we were screaming at the end because she grabbed at the spoon and it had tomato soup on it!)

This one is just another one of her being a big girl :)
(and, sorry, its kinda dark..)

Sweetie Baby
She really amazes me how fast and well she is learning! Case in point: today, she was standing next to her exersaucer and pushed the music button, and started DANCING!! She stood there and was bouncing up and down to the music! Where did she learn that??? I was really surprised by that! I have never seen her do that before, and have never really shown her to do that.. maybe she got it from me being goofy dancing around with the radio on?? She just really impresses me :) And, it was super super cute-o!! :)

And, just so everyone knows, don't expect to see other videos any time soon- it takes 
for-ev-er!!! Slightly annoying... 

Hope everyone is having a good week so far! :)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I LOVE Videos! Yayaya! She looked drunk in the second one! LOL- So cool she is walking! Her birthday and Christmas will be soooo much fun!