Monday, August 3, 2009

So. This past Saturday was a pretty packed day- a birthday party & the Circus!! 

First, we started the day going to Landon's 5th birthday- I just can't believe he is 5!! I was there when he was born! Man, time flies! Seeing as Aubrey is just a little small for all of the activities of the party (it was a carnival theme so there were little games set up in the house- it was supposed to rain so we didn't bring our swimsuits for the pool.. ) so, we just sat in the living room and played with all the other little babies! She enjoyed herself :) She did get to try some new foods though, beans and pickles! yum! she LOVED the beans! lol. And no surprises in the diaper- bonus! haha. Although, once all of the big kids got out of the pool when Landon was doing gifts, Aubrey & Jake took advantage and stripped down to splash around a bit- fun :) She definitely did not want to get out, of course! It was a fun time, but a much needed nap was soon in order!! 

After we got home & Aubrey got a good nap in... me, Aubrey, Sarah, Collin, Amanda, David (her husband) & Jake headed out to the circus!! To tell the truth, I was quite nervous on how this was going to go with a 7 1/2 month old baby! Well, let me just tell you- IT WENT GREAT! Out of her, a 4 & 1 year old.. she was the best! Not that the 1 year old was bad, he just wanted down to play, but, it was so strange, Aubrey just sat perfectly still in my lap the whole time!! um, does that happen?! Before it started when we were at our seats I let her stand holding on to the seats in front of us, she stood there for at least 10 minutes! Amanda got some fries, so she got one of those.. she gnawed on that thing till she was about to eat my fingers!  
I had not been to the circus in years, so I was pretty excited to see what it was like again. Not bad. There were a couple of slow parts that Collin and Jake got bored at, but, I think Aubrey was just in a trance with all the music and lights- it was pretty funny! 
So.. just before intermission, Jake had a HUGE blow out- I mean all up his back! And poor Amanda picked him up to smell his rear to see if it was him that stunk.. and she got poop smeared on her face!! YUCK-O!! She didn't bring his extra clothes in (like she usually does) so.. he came back from being scrubbed down in just his diaper- I don't think he minded though! So, Aubrey shared one of her blankets :) They didn't stay much longer after that! haha. Then.. Collin. Well, let me preface this with the fact that the circus did not start until 7:30, and it was TWO AND A HALF HOURS!! Who does that?? Don't they know that kids come to this.. and that its their bedtimes?! I thought it was going to be an hour, maybe an hour and a half.. nope! So, needless to say, Collin starts having some little fits. Ok, some big ones! That then was our cue to leave. Which was after 9:00! Geeze. 
So, what is Aubrey doing during all of this??- SLEEPING!!! How can someone fall asleep during the circus?! lol! Guess that trance really worked! haha! :) When she did wake up, about 10-15 minutes before we left, she was soo happy! too cute :) (I told everyone that my sweet girl wouldn't be like those bad boys! hee hee.. jk) :) 
It was alot of fun, but, don't think I will be going back for a few more years! ha! 
before I go on, let me just explain something real quick: Friday, Collin was at his dad's and they were about to leave the house, he told Collin to come inside, and as Collin was coming through the door apparently he put his hand in the crack right as Bryan went to shut the door.. not good. The door smashed his pinky pretty darn good, so good his nail came off and it almost sliced the tip off!! So, off to Children's they went. They sewed him back up, stuck his nail back on, which may or may not grow back. That is why he is in a full arm cast that looks like he could kill someone! haha. The cast actually doesn't bother him at all.. at least not yet!
(let me say something about the above picture of Collin.. since he is now handicapped (lol) Sarah still decided to get him a red snowcone, so she put one of Aubrey's bibs around him, and used her diaper pad on his lap.. he only looks a little "special"!!! haha!) (And, Aubrey was soo tired in these pictures, if you can't tell)

Ok, well, that sums up Saturday! Hope ya'll had a fun one too! :)


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

good! finally a post :) glad to see some good pictures! casey & i went to the circus a couple of years ago. i hadn't been since i was a baby and didn't remember it at all. it was fun! :) couldn't buy anything though because it was so dang expensive!! $12 for cotton candy! crazy! did you buy anything?

~Laura~ said...

all I bought was a kids meal chicken nuggets for $3.50- not too bad! That stupid snocone collin had ws $10!! dumb. lol