Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Silly Girl

Recent Happenings:

Aubrey is now able to get up on her knees and look over the crib- time to lower that!! 
One morning she was getting a good kick out of showing me how she can do this now, she is so silly! 

"Hey, Mom.. I see you!"
"Ahh! You can see me too!" 
"Mmm.. tasty.."
"Oh mom! You're so funny!"
This girl cracks me up! It's like she really knows we are playing.. and boy, does she know how to play me! lol! 

Ok, cute story, the other night I was at Babies R Us (which, I can spend hours in there contemplating every item! Thank you Natalie for talking me out of spending $25 on a bathtub! haha. And, really disappointed- I decided to get Aubrey a sippy cup (not sure if its really time, but thought I'd give it a go! I think she'll do good!) well, I finally decided on the Dr. Brown's new cup, well, I tested it out with some water tonight before I washed it.. that thing leaks like crazy!! And I really like Dr. Brown's so I was totally bummed! I mean, surely I'm using it right.. right?? Looks like an exchange is to take place.. grr.) ok, back to my story!! So, we are on the first isle and little miss was in a great mood, I would just look at her and she would bust out laughing! literally! A big hearty laugh! She kept on and on.. and all of a sudden like 4 people from different isles came over to check her out!! She put on quite a show!! super cute! :)

Also, I bought these Playtex paci's that are for teething. The nipple part is shorter and textured so it rubs on their front gums. And they have a big handle for them to hold on to easier. At first she thought it was weird, but after about a minute, loved it! Loved them so much she decided to eat the package at the store!! I looked down and there was cardboard everywhere! yikes! haha! they had to bring another one over since she ate the barcode... oops! :) 
She had just gotten out of the bath, thought I'd play around with her hair :)
 But, she's enjoying the new paci! 
I wonder when she'll realize that's not the way it works.. ?? 
(she sleeps like this ALL the time!!)
(I think this is about how she looked when she was inside me!! All stretched out in the wrong direction!! haha!!)

Seeing how she is now makes me so curious to know how she'll be when she's older! Her personality? Sleep positions? Shy/Outgoing? (although, I bet I know the answer to that one!) I keep thinking I can't wait till she's older, but, really, I can! She's already half way done being a baby!!! I just can't believe how fast it goes by. I mean, I heard that allll the time "They grow up so fast" YES THEY DO!! I know, she's only like 6 months, but still, these 6 months have flown!! -sigh- Alright, I'll pull myself together now.. 

Oh! Bought some scrapbook stuff, paper, stickers and ribbon 1/2 off at Hobby Lobby!! I'm transitioning this book to her first holidays and first foods. Then.. not sure?? I think I'm just going to make a book for her first year and then a 1st birthday book, then just make books of things here and there.. I don't think she (or I) will want to lug around 18 books of her life!! Gotta print some pictures though... thats always a small fortune! :) 

Alright, well, off to bed for me! <3


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

haha, she is so funny. reminds me of me when i sleep :) i can't believe she ate that cardboard-crazy!

Natalie said...

So I liked the new hair style! :) I thought it was pretty cute! Glad you are posting lots of pictures! See ya tonight!

Anonymous said...

I see our girls have the same love for the taste of cardboard, so yum! Carrie started Sippys at a little over 6 months and did great. It's an easier transition if you get the ones with soft spouts. I think everything Doc Brown makes leavks like crazy... maybe I'm just not as smart as his products!

Natalie said...

Hey I got the pictures I posted developed and ordered a couple for you! Hope you like the ones I picked! :) I took advantage of the 50 for $5!!

When I get back from the lake, we gotta' have a play date asap or just a girls night out again! :)

Give Aubrey hugs for me! I hadn't seen her in a while! :) Oh and you basically don't have a baby any more because you have a 7 month old! Wow! lol