Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Third Trimester!

So, I am now into my third trimester! whoo-hoo! sort of..! They say the first trimester you're really sick and tired all the time, the second you get this boost of energy, and the third you start getting tired again.. well, I have been more than just tired! I'm starting to wonder if my body just isn't quite cut out for pregnancy! lol. I have had so many issues it seems! Within the last 2 weeks I have gone to the doctors/hospital FIVE times! that's a little ridiculous! and I could have made it 6 on Sunday since all that night I was feeling really nauseous and woke up at about 6am to throw up 4 times! (I have gone my ENTIRE pregnancy throw up free.. and now!!??) hopefully it was just a fluke, which I'm thinking it was since the rest of Sunday I pretty much slept away, didn't eat barely anything, and then had fever that night!! If my temp. had gone up 1 degree more I could have been back to the hospital! Let's hope this is not a foretelling of how my final days will be! haha. Don't get me wrong though, I do love being pregnant.. it's such a cool experience! You can get away with so much more too! lol! But I am sort of ready for it to be over (although, I think I will be sad when it is!) so that I can know for sure everything is ok with the baby. I have never had so much fear and anxiety over something as I do now with this little one! Plus, I just want to see how cute she is going to be! :)  
Oh! I have been looking at tons of baby bedding (I think I will just have someone make me a blanket instead of all the bedding. And the blanket won't just be a baby one, like one she can use for a while.. if that makes sense.. lol) It is really hard picking one! I have bookmarked alot! Do I want something more solid so I can accessorize, or something with just a pattern, or something with little fireflies on it.. ? oh choices! I'm realizing I need to decide soon since my baby shower is just around the corner! I will probably register this weekend! exciting! :) 
alrighty.. guess that's good for now! 

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