Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some realizations...

First, let me just say, this little baby is moving around like crazy right now!! I guess she likes Whataburger too :) It's the strangest feeling when she starts kicking around, sometimes it kinda grosses me out so I move so that she will stop! lol. They say babies are moving around in there alot, so you would think you would constantly be feeling someone swimming around your insides, but not so much. which I'm kinda thankful for. Sometimes she kicks so hard its a little uncomfortable, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! Even though the thought of it is kinda gross (to me anyway. I mean if you really think about what's going on!) it's also very amazing! There is a little person inside my belly! Hello! Crazy!! The closer it gets time for her to pop out, the more I'm REALLY realizing, I'M GOING TO HAVE A KID!!! I feel totally comfortable with knowing what to do and all that, but knowing that she is mine, my responsibility to raise in a Godly way, to make sure she is always safe and loved, and knows her manners, and doesn't bite other kids (lol- that is actually a very big issue at around age 2!) and to teach her to walk and talk and eat by herself.. pretty crazy.. and slightly overwhelming at times! I feel like I'm going to be very overprotective! I don't really want to be, but, I don't want anyone else to mess her up! lol! I don't know if that really makes sense..? 
So for one of my realizations.. I don't want to work! (haha, like that's really new!) But, for a for real reason now! So I work at a daycare, I see the parents drop off their kids, some are upset to leave them, some not so much. The parents obviously don't have a choice, they do have to work! But, then, its like, they have no idea how their child is during the day! How they act, what the do, what they learn.. it's really sad. I don't want to not know what my child does for hours without me! It sucks! Especially since I'm with the little bitty babies, and I see how much those kids do during their time with me, their parents are missing all that interaction! Plus, how can I really trust someone to take care of my kid as good as me?! :)  As much as I have a love/hate relationship with my job, I'm really thinking its a good thing I'm there! That way, I can be with her at work (hopefully still in the same class!) then when I get off work I get to take her with me and spend the rest of the day together, so.. I won't really be missing out on much hopefully! I just want to be a stay at home mom for a couple of years.. who wants to pay for my living?! :) 
I have now forgotten my other realizations.. oops. 
But let me just say, becoming a mom has REALLY changed my ways of thinking on alot of things! Actually, its made me think of things that I normally wouldn't have thought twice about. It's crazy how much you can care for someone who isn't even here yet.. it's mindblowing to say the least!! But I CANNOT wait to hold my little one, to see who she will be, and look like, and how she will act, and do her hair in pigtails EVERY day, and take her picture a zillion times! It's going to be great! :) 

1 comment:

Casey & Lauren Coats said...

yay! i can't wait for her to get here either! i want to be auntie lo to her, too! can i? pretty please? :)