Sunday, December 26, 2010


I know, I'm skipping Aubrey's birthday, but, I have 3 different camera's worth of pictures to go through! (Mine is still broken, so Natalie, Lauren S., and my mom took some pics for me :) )

Christmas! This year was so much more fun to shop for Aubrey! This is such a fun age and I had a hard time stopping myself. I was real excited about watching her open her gifts, pretty sure she loved them all from everyone!

Funny story, Robert was pretty pleased with what he got for me apparently, so I was curious to see what he got me. Some earings from Target and a shirt from there too. Cute shirt, until I noticed the tag, MATERNITY!! He had shown Emily and Sarah earlier and they both had noticed but said to give it to me anyway and see if I noticed. Duh! At this moment, he's returning it and getting me something else he liked.. I'm a little worried. Guys....

Sarah, mine, Emily and Roberts stockings. I love em :)
Aubrey and Collins. I've yet to find one for her that I love...

Everyone spent the night over here, so, at 7:30 Collin comes in my room to wake me up. I said, "uh, not yet" so he leaves. About 15 minutes later, Sarah comes in. So, I get up and freshen up a bit, Aubrey still sound asleep even with all the noise. Finally, after much coaxing from me, Sarah and Emily, she wakes up! Hopefully this will continue on, I will have no problem when she's five if she still wants to sleep in! Ha! :)

Baby!! She seemed so surprised to see it, even though she had found it and played with it before I wrapped it, haha! (Little back story on this doll, I had one like this when I was little and played with it all the time! Still have it! I would let Aubrey have mine, but, its not in the best condition. They came out in '85, so not surprisingly they aren't made anymore. Well, I just loved them, Sarah had one too, and they both looked like us- blond hair and blue eyes, and brown hair and blue eyes. So, I went online searching for one. Finally found one I like on Ebay and won! It came naked, oops, so thankfully Natalie made a cute outfit for her! They're just the cutest dolls, My Child, you should check em out. :)
Putting on her makeup.. thanks Emily and Robert.. :)
Got this book for .70 cents!! Its really cute too!
Collin checking out all his loot!
Elmo movie Aunt Sha-Sha (Sarah) got her...
We didn't turn it on fast enough!!
Aubrey wanted to play with Collins DS soooo bad.
After all the gifts were opened, Aubrey went into the kitchen to play with the magnets I got her. Of all things...
What a mess.
Sarah got the kids silly string.
Perfect timing on this shot!
She wasn't a fan.
She loves her little stroller!! And, her dress up shoes crack me up!

Can't go out without makeup!
Potty seat!! Now, let's take it to the bathroom! :)
Hope there's not a weight limit! ;)
That night, we went over to Sarahs for dinner and Christmas with my dad.
Don't you love his wrapping, haha!
Really cute little baby, she talks and you feed her. She loves it of course.
The boys putting together Collins missile thing?
Aubrey and G-Daddy

It was a great Christmas! Hope everyone's was too!

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