Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Here we go.

a happier post! :) 

I really think my previous post helped me, just to let things out. Thanks for everyone's encouraging words! 

So, my very first Mother's Day was great! Nothing overly fancy or special, but just being a mom made it wonderful! My step dad made all of us lunch at the bakery, then afterwards the girls (plus collin-my nephew) went walking around downtown Grapevine, then Aubrey spit up all over her outfit so we went to the car and changed her and decided to go to Grapevine Mills Mall ... I did not particularly want to go to the Mall.. considering I did not have a stroller!! I did not know we were going to go out, or I sure as heck would have brought it, because Lord knows carrying around a 17 lb baby is not all that fun!! Needless to say, after I bought some things at The Childrens Place, me and Aubrey mostly hung out on the benches! ugh! and it was nap time so she was getting fidgety (I was not in a great mood, but my sisters wanted to shop!) she eventually fell asleep and became dead weight! haha! Other than that, good day! :) 
Mother and Daughter! 
she got a little worn out after lunch :)

Aubrey is eating like a champ!! She chows down on the sweet potatoes and loves her cereal and bananas! Although, I was REALLY hoping that her eating foods now she wouldn't want a bottle every 3-4 hours, well, not so much, at least not yet anyway! I love watching her eat, its fun seeing how she is learning to move her mouth and tongue right.. speaking of tongues.. 
She has definitely discovered hers! As she is "talking" she moves it around all over the place, like she is trying to make words, and she sticks it out! so cute! It seriously cracks me up- don't know if others have that same reaction, but I think I'm supposed to! haha :) 

I seriously think I need to make a folder of pics just of her sleeping! I love watching her sleep, in all her crazy positions and she just looks so peaceful. needless to say, I have a ton of sleeping photos!! 

My little girl is really growing and coming into her own personality, I'm just amazed by her. She is such a joy in my life!!

my scanner wasn't working, so I was ghetto and took 
a picture of a picture! haha.. but, these were just the 
best pictures of her, she was laughing and smiling 
the whole time! these are just a couple.. :) 

Aubrey has been such a mommas girl today! she has just wanted to be with me all day, kinda unlike her, she's usually pretty independent, so I welcomed the extra cuddle time! :) My favorite is when we are laying next to each other, or even when I'm just holding her and she just looks up at me like she's studying my face and then reaches her sweet little hand and puts in on my face, just precious :) 



Casey & Lauren Coats said...

the picture of y'all together is cute! and also, i want a copy of the black and white pic of aubrey...i have the color one, and it is cute, but i like the black and white one better! :) gimme!

Anonymous said...

I love the professional picture on the left she's so beautiful honey!