Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Busy Girl

Aubrey's third month sure was a busy one! Here are some of the things she figured out how to do, yay! 

man, once she found her feet she has not let go! I will be in the middle of changing her and she will be holding on tight, which makes things slightly difficult! :) It's really funny when I get her up in the mornings to go and she's still half asleep, she just reaches up for her feet and falls asleep again! crazy girl! :) 

Check out those turkey legs! haha!


I'm super excited about this one!! haha. Although she still needs a little assistance at times, she pretty much takes over! 

Down to the last drop!! 

Also, I started giving her some cereal, she seems to like it just fine! go figure! Her 4 month check up (and shots! ahh!) is next week, so I'm going to talk to the Dr. more about food/feedings! 

AND, she is starting to roll over from back to stomach! (well, both ways now) although.. I have yet to see it, others CLAIM she does! I won't believe it till I see it (I'm slightly bitter I wasn't the first to see this! haha!) :) though, I'm not sooo sure I want her rolling over yet, while I change her diaper or clothes she tries to roll over so I keep having to plop her back down, it should be interesting once she is completely turning!! 

She is also scooting herself all over the place when she is laying on her back! She is going to have me running to keep up with her pretty soon! yikes! 

I know there was something else, but for some reason I cannot think of it!! grr!

I just can't believe my little one is already 4 months! She is getting more affectionate now, which I just LOVE!! she snuggles into me and holds her arms around my neck.. so sweet! ;) when she gets angry (mostly when her bottle isn't ready fast enough!) she pushes her hands all over my face- its really funny! She is slightly dramatic.. 

oh! I can not wait to put up this pictures I just got done of her (it will be a couple weeks though)! When I got them done I was a little nervous she wouldn't smile, boy was I wrong! she was laughing out loud and giggling the WHOLE time! needless to say, all the pictures were awesome and I spent too much money! haha!! the company that did them is OUR365, they did her newborn pics in the hospital and then they come to your house for their shoots, that way the babies are more comfortable (which so works!) so it was a breeze getting these done! the lady was great, Aubrey loved her! The only downside is, they are pretty expensive, so I don't know if I will use them again? but, since they were her first pro pics.. I just had to! :) 

Alrighty.. time to do something more productive! 

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