Tuesday, October 7, 2008

getting excited!!

So, me and my mom just about finished registering at babies r us tonight! still lacking a few things, although my brain is on overload so i can't really remember what things! things (as in the baby!) are really starting to set in.. big time. she is going to be here in just a couple of months! hello.. crazy! yet i'm so anxious for her to be here. work gave all the teachers this parenting magazine, so i was looking at it, and there were all these cute ideas to do with your kids, like snacks to make, places to go, etc., i cannot wait till she is big enough to enjoy all those kinds of things! fun stuff! 
also, i have de
cided to just create my own bedding. i couldn't settle on one i really wanted (well
, the one i really want is only available online so i can't see how it looks and feels in person, and its $300! so.. ) i found this really soft off white bumper, that has little polka dots in the same color on it- like raised up, then these really cute sheets that have different color and size pink circles, and a cute mobile that has butterflies and dragonflies.. and the colors match really well! i know i will get a dozen blankets, so i'm not real worried about that, but i will keep my eyes open for a more heavy duty one, or just have someone make me one :) my mom bought one set of the sheets (apparently i will need several!) and the mobile.. and this cute, pink dragonfly that has glitter on it.. i guess that's what mostly pushed me into making my own bedding.. that, and the sheets.. they're really cute and soft. haha.  and organic! LOL. which apparently i'm be
coming, several of the things i registered for are organic or "earth friendly" haha.. oh well, good i guess :) I can't wait to start putting everything together!! I just have to wait a few more weeks till i get everything else! oh fun! and i'm going to get really crafty and make something.. hopefully it won't turn out like crap! haha! it involves paint.. so we'll see how that goes! I'm going to buy some blank canvas picture things, at least one, i want to make some kind of design and put her name on it. if i can put what i have pictured on the canvas, it will be a miracle! i'm not so talented when it comes to drawing or painting.. so wish me luck! haha. 

ok, so i guess that does it for now. 
 little-momma-to-be!  :)


Casey & Lauren Coats said...

yay! bedding sounds cute! i can't wait either! you're the closest thing i have to a sister so i'm excited about being aunt lauren!=)

Anonymous said...

i'm so excited for you! oh, and that's a really cute picture!

p.s. i have an interview tomorrow or saturday! pray that i get the job!:)