Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pull out the swimsuit!

This past Saturday was our friend Jake's 2nd birthday! It was a lot of fun, glad we could help celebrate! :)

Some of the boys playing, birthday boy in the orange.Oh, Little Girl..
...Not much improvement in a year!! :)
The little sprinkler was "bubbles", she loved it.

Jake trying to get Aubrey excited! haha
Giving her hugs and kisses, awww :)
Baby Caden got a hold of her hair, Aubrey was not happy about that!
This butterfly landed on me, and this girl (forgot her name??) got a hold of it and fed it Diet Coke! That long yellow part in the front.. its tongue! It rolls back up into its mouth.. weird!

So, unfortunately the bakery is now closed on Mondays due to realllly slow business those days, but, fortunately it allows for me to have more time with Sweetie Petey! This monday we met up with Natalie and Lola for a little shopping at Home Goods (although, neither of us bought anything!) then swimming!! My kinda day :)
Getting a drink, yum!
(the sunscreen got in Aubrey's hair, giving her such a nice hairdo!)
Aw, sweet girls playing so nicely..
until Lola wanted to hold the hose!!
We need to work on sharing.
Wonder where she learned that?? :)Lola loving the water!

Its raining!!
what a pair :)

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