Monday, October 22, 2012


Pretty sure this is the busiest October I’ve ever had!! Lots of parties going on- birthdays to bachelorettes to baby showers- fun fun!! :)

To start off- Philip turns 31! I’m marrying an old man ;)

His birthday is Oct. 9, but the Sunday before I threw him a surprise dinner and then games and dessert back at our house. Somehow he said he had a feeling something was up, but I really have no idea?! Nothing was out of the ordinary that we had done. Grr. Oh well :)

First, we went to eat at Texas Road House where Sarah/Jeff, Amanda/David, Jenny/Brent and Emily/Mario joined- his friends from Ft. Worth unfortunately weren’t able to make it :( But, we still had fun.. even though we needed walkie-talkies to talk to the other side of the group since they split our tables up! >:/ who does that?! Lammmeee. If you have a party of more than 6, don’t go there.


I knew better than to have the waitress do something for Philip’s bday, once he saw them coming he literally pointed his knife at me! Haha! But, it was Amanda, NOT me! :) He had to get on the saddle and basically yell “Yee-Haw!” I love David’s face in the background, haha. Philip knew I’d take a pic, that’s why he wasn’t looking towards me ;) All that humiliation and not even a free dessert.. lame again.


After dinner we headed to the house for dessert and “Cranium”.. that was entertaining!! David and Amanda had to leave early to get to the kiddos, so no pics of them :(                         

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Oh Jeff…

We were acting out mud wrestling :)

On his actual birthday, he came over and we just hung out. :)

He looked totally creepy in this first pic, haha!

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Aubrey drew him a picture of our family. Aren’t we cute?? ;)

Happy Birthday babe, look forward to celebrating many more with you!! :))


The following weekend- Amanda turns 30!!

I love that I’m the youngest of the bunch. ;)

We headed out to Southern Junction to dance the night away! photo 3photo 1

Getting ready for the fire ;)

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Happy Birthday Amanda!!

Still have one more party to attend- Jenny’s boy Caden is 3! And.. Mine!! Though, mine is getting overshadowed a bit, haha! No worries- if its gonna be, wedding prep is a good reason! Can’t believe I’m about to be 27!!


And, hello, less than 2 weeks people!!! SO ready and excited!! :))))

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