Wednesday, January 5, 2011

makeup artist in training

So, who says a 2 year old can't have make-up??

Oh, ME!!

Sometimes I think my family has it out for me...

This first segment is thanks to Unlce Roberts brilliant Christmas gift.

Here you can begin to see her handiwork.
(she'll love me for this one) ;)
aren't you supposed to match your makeup to your clothes??
Am I supposed to say "well, at least she had fun!" ?? haha.

This portion goes out to Aunt ShaSha.

Nope. She's been chapstick-ed.
And, apparantely, the table needed to be also.
Step 1: dig out all contents of chapstick tube.
Step 2: make sure you dug enough out.
Step 3: lather on like lotion.
Step 4: attempt to smile while your dumbfounded mother captures this "priceless" moment.

Step 5: repeat.
If you can't tell, it was eyelashes, hair, neck, clothes...
she cleaned it out good!

Getting her ready for shower #1 (took 2 before she was completely de-waxed!!), I kept telling her not to touch anything! Almost made it to the shower before she tripped and left this cute little print on floor.
(no, that is not the color of the floor, I had to play with the colors to get it to show the best)

Although, I will say, I really think Aunt Emmy began all this. It started with Emily pretending to put makeup on Aubrey, then, it became the real stuff! And everytime Emmy comes over the first thing Aubrey does is get her purse and says "makeup!"
Oh Lordy.

Needless to say, all makeup/chapstick has been confiscated and put away for, oh.. 10 years?? ;)

She may have made some messes, but... it did make for some fun pictures :)

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