Sink full of dishes, plenty of laundry that needs to be done and dinner that needs to be cooked, but Aubrey is taking a late nap, so I’m taking advantage of the quiet (and putting off what should be done).
my crazy, sweet sleeper.

She has become quite the little helper. She usually loves to help me out with whatever, but every now and then I get a little 14 year old instead of my 4 year old with a nice big “ughhhh” as I ask for help. Lordy.

Took a little time out to color- I should color more often, its so relaxing ;) Side note: started off coloring on the floor, but I’ve been having horrible low back/hip/butt pain on my right side. Sitting on the “hard” floor kept sending shooting pains through me. So annoying. So, I had to move to a chair :( This pain has been going on for a few weeks now, hoping it lets up soon!

The girl loves to accessorize!

Attack of the stickers! In Aubrey’s word “You look beautiful... fruity.. and tasty.. Yum!” “I’m going to eat your face!” Nice.

Date night! Got the hook up to a suite at the Mesquite Rodeo! Love my cutie cowboy ;)

Her favorite new pose, haha.
And, Aubrey got to drive for the first time!
Girl fun with the besties! Northpark and Maggianos never disappoints. My how our lives have changed, me and Natalie (sometimes with the girls, but more often without) used to go to Northpark to just “get away” and hang all the time when the girls were little. I’m pretty sure the last time we did that was when Natalie was pregnant with Oliver!! What happened?! ;)

Loving on her new Sleeping Beauty doll :)

Aubrey has gotten in some good cousin time lately. We went to see Despicable Me 2- really cute! The kids laughed out loud so much! Then we just wandered around Stonebriar, did a little shopping and playing. Then Collin came back with us and spent the night :)

Aunt Emmy took the kids one day to her apartment for some swimming and cooking of the sweetest cupcakes I’ve ever tasted- cotton candy icing! One bite was enough for me, haha! And, of course, Aubrey got a new ‘do. A little trim and some pink hair! Little clip on pieces, she loves it! :)

And, today, CFA in Forney had a free carousel ride, I think she went around that thing 50 times! Started off with Sawyer, held her hand the whole time :) Then, switched to Lola- the two crazies. Did a little chalk work, played on the playground.. and I think ate?? Haha. Oh well, momma got some good adult talk in with our little lunch group- Natalie, Ashley and Ashley! :)

Latest baby update:
Second trimester!! Was hoping to get that long awaited burst of energy.. guess I’ll keep waiting. Just getting spurts. Which I guess is better than nothing! :)

Send Philip out for a craving- CFA chicken soup! Food has been a little bit of an issue, but for some reason that sounded super good (which now that I’m thinking about it, does now too!)

Trying to take these more consistently.

Family walk around the pond. Mosquitos cut it short, but would be good if we got in the habit of this. Did sleep better that night ;)

Couldn’t resist and bought the baby some clothes! Both gender neutral and super soft and cute and sweet… can’t wait for this baby to get here!!

And the latest. I’m now 17 weeks as of today. Baby is getting bigger!

Let’s see… sleep is slowly getting better. Still going to the bathroom throughout the night, and having some crazy dreams (dating Tom Selleck?! haha!)
Hip/back pain… didn’t have that with Aubrey.. wish I didn’t have it this time!
Pretty sure no weight gain. At my very first appt at about 7 weeks to my about 13 weeks appt I might have lost 3lbs. Different scales so I don’t know for sure. From 13 weeks to 16 weeks when I weighed at home, no weight gain. But again, different scales. So, I’ll be real curious to see if any change when I go next week (same scale as 13 weeks). I am growing, so, hope its ok if I haven’t gained, or gained very little? I get full pretty fast when eating, don’t finish most meals. And, I was craving fruit for a while, so..?? Guess we’ll see soon though!
Been feeling the baby move! Not a ton, but some is better than none! Mostly the little tickle feeling.. but. maybe some more definite movement too? Can’t tell for sure. I’m sure in the next couple of weeks I’ll know for sure!
Also, don’t think I’ve made it “public” yet.. but, going with a birthing center! I’ve got a good balance between nervous/excited. Been reading lots of stories and techniques to help with labor and excited to take a Bradley Method birthing class soon. I’m sure I’ll elaborate on all this a little more later. If anyone out there reading this has any experience in this area (home birth/birthing center/midwife-tips/tricks/advice) holla at me!! ;)
Find out gender next week!!! Super excited! My gut says it’s a boy (and apparently so does everyone I know!) which I will be totally happy with. I just hope for a girl for Aubrey’s sake to have a sister as soon as possible. I actually picture more boy things than girl things. If it’s a girl I’ll be totally shocked actually. We’ll do a small gender reveal party the night we go to the sono- baby better cooperate! ;) Can’t wait to knock a side off our baby names.. maybe it’ll help us agree on something! Ha!
Guess that’s it? Oh wait, no memory!! Can’t remember a dang thing. Making notes and setting alarms have been my new friend.
Ok, well I’m starving now.. and dinner unfortunately didn’t cook itself.. so, peace! :)