So, I have this friend. We met back when I was going to school in Commerce and was working at Red Lobster. She quit RL, met a boy, got married and off she went! :) But, before she up and left me, we hung out quite a bit! Well, her husband is in the Army, which means she moves around a often. Which also means, we don't see each other very much at all. BUT, when we do, its great :)
She now has 2 super sweet and cute little girls. We all got to play together yesterday... and, the weather was just perfect for going to the park. :)
Trying to get a group shot.
(coordination not on purpose, but, likely since they are girls) ;)
Her girls have awesome blue eyes!
We went out to lunch to Jalapeno Tree (yum!).
Alycia had her camera on hand and got some really cute ones of Aubrey- Thanks!

Off to the park! And, had I known we were going there, I would have brought my camera! Grr. So, we took turns with hers, which led to over 300 pics! Don't worry, I only put 200 on here ;)
A 3 and 1 year old. Kuddos to you!! :)
Carrie climbing the "rock wall".
Aubrey trying to climb the wall.
Look! She's not terrified!!
30 seconds later...
Good try though.
She much preferred pushing both the girls instead!
Katie got a kick out it :)
My favorite. Little Sister watching Big Sister.
coming and going.
Aw, kisses for momma.
Planning their trip to the rock wall.
Doesn't every kid take a rest at the park??
Carrie apparently was not making her way down the slide fast enough. So, after I got on to Aubrey for pushing her, she just stood there with her hands out willing her to "GO! Go down slide!" Nice.
Lots of jumping took place.
After a while, Aubrey willing agreed to get on the swing with me.
She enjoyed it for... a minute.
I love the look of our interaction here :)
We had a blast, and were so glad we got to share it with some great friends!
Have fun in North Carolina! I'll be planning my vacation stay soon ;)
She now has 2 super sweet and cute little girls. We all got to play together yesterday... and, the weather was just perfect for going to the park. :)
Trying to get a group shot.
(coordination not on purpose, but, likely since they are girls) ;)

Her girls have awesome blue eyes!
Alycia had her camera on hand and got some really cute ones of Aubrey- Thanks!

Good try though.

Have fun in North Carolina! I'll be planning my vacation stay soon ;)