Yep. My little baby is 1 1/2!! How did that even happen?? In a way it seems this time has gone sooo fast, but, then her being a newborn seems like a lifetime ago! Just craziness.
Here's what little bit is up to nowadays:
Can say:
Momma/Mommy (which makes her sound so big when she says mommy!)
MeMe?? (haven't really figured out what that is about..)
Night Night
Please (although, its just the "P" sound, we're working on it, but she knows it means please)

Body parts she knows and can point to:
BoBo :)
She pretty much understands everything I say, sometimes I have to show her first, then she gets it from then on.
She is getting really good at using a fork. And, sometimes won't eat unless she can use the fork herself, yay!

Unfortunately, not much going on in the potty training area. Although, I'm just now getting her thinking about it. If I give her a baby wipe to play with while I'm changing her she'll sometimes wipe herself.. sounds like some progress?! haha! I'll sit her on the toilet, but she just doesn't care. Her daycare doesn't really help until they move to the 2 yr old room because they have a bathroom in the classroom.. or, they take them to the bathroom? So basically, no point in really pushing it if I'm not going to get help from them yet. No biggie.
She loves to dance to music. She'll sing the "la-la-la" part from Elmo.. all the time!
She can wave, blow kisses, "pound-it", lol, help wash her hair, put things away where they go, can find any trash can to throw things away, getting better at brushing her own teeth, hates having her hair brushed(!), loves water, hates being told "no" (duh) is finally being a cuddly girl, she'll just sit with me forever and snuggles with me in bed... love love love it! Desperately wants to drink out of a real cup by herself.
She really enjoys daycare, except for those few "off" days. Loves playing with Collin and Lola.
And any other kid.
Can count to 3. Not completely perfectly.. but, she does say each number (in order) with a little coaxing. Natalie can vouch :) And, can hold up 1 finger.. working on 2 and 3!
(She is counting in this pic!)
She is just getting smarter by the day, and it honestly amazes me how fast she is learning things.
So smart, she thinks her little fits will actually get her what she wants. She tries that little tactic pretty often now.. maybe soon she'll realize Momma is still smarter :)
Her hair is getting so thick, length will take a while though. Technically its getting longer, but curlier at the same time, so progress is taking its sweet time. If I pull it straight its almost to her should blades!!
Loves to play with my makeup, and tries to put it on. And, every time I put on chapstick she wants some too :)
I've lost count on teeth, but, she just had 2 more break through and another on its way.. so, I think we're up to 8 on top and 6.5 on bottom??
Wears 5-6 size shoes. Limited 18 months, mostly 24 and 2T!
She weighs 26.13 lbs and is 33 inches!
(apparently they slow down alot between 1-2 yrs! which seems kinda odd..)
Favorite foods.. um, everything. The girl loves to eat! But, I keep remembering when its too late, that I need to give her 1 food at a time, like all her chicken first, then add the pasta. Otherwise, she only eats the pasta. Or whatever.
Well, I'm sure I've given enough information that I'm sure I only care about.
If you read this all the way through- THANKS! :)
Here's what little bit is up to nowadays:
Can say:
Momma/Mommy (which makes her sound so big when she says mommy!)
MeMe?? (haven't really figured out what that is about..)
Night Night
Please (although, its just the "P" sound, we're working on it, but she knows it means please)

Body parts she knows and can point to:
BoBo :)
She pretty much understands everything I say, sometimes I have to show her first, then she gets it from then on.
She is getting really good at using a fork. And, sometimes won't eat unless she can use the fork herself, yay!

Unfortunately, not much going on in the potty training area. Although, I'm just now getting her thinking about it. If I give her a baby wipe to play with while I'm changing her she'll sometimes wipe herself.. sounds like some progress?! haha! I'll sit her on the toilet, but she just doesn't care. Her daycare doesn't really help until they move to the 2 yr old room because they have a bathroom in the classroom.. or, they take them to the bathroom? So basically, no point in really pushing it if I'm not going to get help from them yet. No biggie.
She loves to dance to music. She'll sing the "la-la-la" part from Elmo.. all the time!

She can wave, blow kisses, "pound-it", lol, help wash her hair, put things away where they go, can find any trash can to throw things away, getting better at brushing her own teeth, hates having her hair brushed(!), loves water, hates being told "no" (duh) is finally being a cuddly girl, she'll just sit with me forever and snuggles with me in bed... love love love it! Desperately wants to drink out of a real cup by herself.
She really enjoys daycare, except for those few "off" days. Loves playing with Collin and Lola.
And any other kid.
Can count to 3. Not completely perfectly.. but, she does say each number (in order) with a little coaxing. Natalie can vouch :) And, can hold up 1 finger.. working on 2 and 3!
(She is counting in this pic!)

She is just getting smarter by the day, and it honestly amazes me how fast she is learning things.
So smart, she thinks her little fits will actually get her what she wants. She tries that little tactic pretty often now.. maybe soon she'll realize Momma is still smarter :)

Her hair is getting so thick, length will take a while though. Technically its getting longer, but curlier at the same time, so progress is taking its sweet time. If I pull it straight its almost to her should blades!!
Loves to play with my makeup, and tries to put it on. And, every time I put on chapstick she wants some too :)
I've lost count on teeth, but, she just had 2 more break through and another on its way.. so, I think we're up to 8 on top and 6.5 on bottom??
Wears 5-6 size shoes. Limited 18 months, mostly 24 and 2T!
She weighs 26.13 lbs and is 33 inches!
(apparently they slow down alot between 1-2 yrs! which seems kinda odd..)
Favorite foods.. um, everything. The girl loves to eat! But, I keep remembering when its too late, that I need to give her 1 food at a time, like all her chicken first, then add the pasta. Otherwise, she only eats the pasta. Or whatever.
Well, I'm sure I've given enough information that I'm sure I only care about.
If you read this all the way through- THANKS! :)